Register Thursday | May 2 | 2024


A Poem

To draw the wind, besides showing branches bending and leaves twisting as it approaches, you can show clouds of fine dust mixed with the turbulent air.

-- Leonardo da Vinci

Something is moving, what, one cannot see.
It has no shape,
Folds, rises, spread.
Something gathers, falls
Into what might be night.
But what, one cannot say,
Or if it is anything at all.
Not even if there has been a movement
That perhaps one has not seen.

In buffets, air hurries past.
All the wind needs is space
To rise in. The wind
Swells, diminishes, the wind
Grows calm, dies down, falls, ceases.
The wind caresses, blows, bellows.
The wind tousles, shakes.
The wind folds, yields
And flees, white wind, black wind.

Air spreads forth, immobile, slack,
Diffuses, hither, thither,
Flows. Air fills all space,
Filters in, insinuates itself
Everywhere, unempty, seamless air
Comes, conflates, goes,
Dilates, abates,
Impalpable, invisible,
Taut, light, granular air.

Begins again, flutters, eddies,
Swells, dissipates, rolls…
One cannot know if there is
Something there that stirs or rests.
There are grains of space,
An agitation, a wave in grass,
Perhaps an horizon. Who can tell?
It could be, might be, night
Beside the sea.
All is tranquil. Becalmed.

Hollows, unrolls, undulates,
Yes, undulates before…
But can one be sure of a before
Or after, or that they are ordered
In successive planes, curtains
Drawn before the other?
Beyond, these screens dissolve,
Unless they are rather born
From one another. Spaces cross,
Melt away, surge up.
One does not know where to look.
Should one invert what has
Neither beginning nor end?

Air penetrates, surrounds, traverses,
Goes around. Air bathes, carries
Objects, vaporizes perfumes,
Diffuses light. Air
Breathes cold, broods over
Space, brings heat.
Air welcomes day, fills up with
Everything, gives way to night,
Gives itself, unfurls. Air slips away.
Darkness, that extended everywhere
Compact and impenetrable,
Attenuates, dissolves.
Darkness thins out, wears out,
Dilutes and vaporizes.
Darkness collapses, flees. Darkness,
Wherever darkness was, made of obscurity,
Flakes away. And grey traverses
The canvassed, whitened space.

This airspace is woven in air,
In visible air infused with light,
Infused with grey. Wind makes air
Move, sound, makes air heard
In rustlings, makes air seen
Inked in white, reveal its subtle self.

Rose dust, grey dust,
Light snowing through boundless space,
Rose dust, blue dust, opening
Propagates the whole of unfolding space.
Light diffusing, rose and violet
Vapour into liquid sky.
Rose and green, light raining down, rose
And violet, poured into liquid sky.
Light diffusing, rosy vapour
Propagates the whole of unfolding space.
Rose dust, blue dust, opening,
Light snowing through boundless space,
Rose dust, grey dust.