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Pop Quiz!

Are you a Calgarian or Montrealer at heart?

The city you settle in depends on many things: the location of family and friends, economic and recreational opportunities, cultural fit and, sometimes, your politics. In "An Open Letter to Montreal, On Behalf of Calgary" (Issue 21), Will Ferguson dares to propose that Calgary and Montreal are emerging as Canada's new political power centres. Ferguson's suggestion: a new power sharing arrangement in which Calgary acts as the head and Montreal the heart. Find out where you fit in the new Canada. Are you more of a Calgarian, or a Montrealer? Take the Maisonneuve quiz to find out.


To score your quiz count the number of A's and the number of B's you chose.

1/ I have no preference between spring, summer, winter or fall:

A. True

B. False

2/ It is important to me to live among nature:

A. True

B. False

3/ The economic opportunities afforded by a head office town aren't important to me:

A. True

B. False

4/ The ability to experience other cultures in my hometown is important to me:

A. True

B. False

5/ It is important that my municipal government takes action to resolve climate change issues:

A. True

B. False

6/ I'll support my home teams regardless of their rank or record:

A. True

B. False

7/ I tend to vote outside the mainstream:

A. True

B. False

8/ I need to feel a strong sense of belonging in my city:

A. True

B. False

9/ People who are stressed out all the time don't bother me that much:

A. True

B. False

10/ Flexible working arrangements are a key factor in my decision to taking a job:

A. True

B. False

Answer Key

If you chose mostly As, then click here.

If you chose mostly Bs, then click here.