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Our Fall 2018 issue

Sept. 6, 2018

Cover story: people are increasingly determined to talk openly about sexual assault, believing it’s the only way to make it less ubiquitous. But most don’t realize that Canadians who do speak about their assaults can, and do, get sued. Are these lawsuits curtailing a necessary conversation, asks H.G. Watson, and, if so, what can be done? 

On our cover, Illustrator Tallulah Fontaine and Art Director Brian Morgan imagine what it’s like to be told to cease and desist talking to your friends.

In "Self-Made Métis," Darryl Leroux investigates a curious phenomenon—tens of thousands of Canadians have begun calling themselves Métis, and now they’re trying to get the courts to agree.

Chris Scott looks into the rise of ultra-right-wing violence in Ukraine—and how Canadian help may be hurting the country.

With the aid of internal government documents obtained via access-to-information laws, Ethan Lou peeks behind the Trans Mountain curtain. 

Daniel Panneton parses Canada's obsession with Peace, Order and Good Government.

Sacred to Blackfoot, saleable in Banff. What happens, Todd Kristensen asks, when a rare fossil transforms into a gemstone?

A new photo essay from Johanna Heldebro and Miranda Campbell.

Vindicated, Viking-Style: a comic by Galadriel Watson

Melissa Bull translates Mikella Nicol's "The Blue Girls of Summer."

André Forget reads Refuse: CanLit in Ruins.  

At the Venice Biennale of Architecture, Christopher DeWolf reports, Indigenous architecture gets its due.

Notre Dame D'Espace: Michelle Deines reminisces about the time she lost a job and found herself in nineties Montreal.

Plus new fiction by Emily Davidson, poetry by Fred Wah, the Book Room, the Music Room and more!