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Our Winter 2020 issue

Dec. 13, 2020

Cover story: Faith healers promise sick and disabled patients miracle cures. But after seeing one, Dominik Parisien came to understand that miracles can bring more harm than healing.

On our cover, illustrator Sam Island and Art Director Brian Morgan show how it feels to place your fate in someone else's hands.

We keep asking who killed the electric car, David Geselbracht writes. But as time runs out, a more important question looms: who will bring it back?

How far would you go for your friends? On a canoe trip along the Ottawa River, Nathan Munn dives deep for the answer.

In this year of losses, Fatima Syed writes, let's not add one more—our ability to care.

After moving back home to the States, Kelli María Korducki tries to settle into the feeling of never being settled.

Usually, saying you'd rather eat glass is just an expression. But things are changing, Ziya Jones reports.

Steph Wong Ken took to the streets this summer to declare that Black Lives Matter. But at home, she learned, listening was just as important.

We've always known films bring us closer together. This year, Jake Pitre realized that they're good for the lonely times, too.

Letter from Montreal: Valerie Silva witnesses what the city's circus performers make out of a long dark year.

Plus new fiction from David Huebert, poetry by Phoebe Wang, the Book Room, the Music Room and more!