Register Wednesday | March 5 | 2025

Cause I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane

I haven't been home in over 6 years...

So kiss me and smile for me. Tell me that you’ll wait for me, hold me close, don’t ever… Let me go. (Let’s save that song from Ben Affleck, shall we?)

By the time you leave this, I will be gone. Actually, by the time you read this I will have landed in San Francisco. I haven’t been home in over 6 years, although it is barely over that, the end of June, 1998. I went to high school in San Francisco, and though it is one of 8 distinct places I have lived in, it is the place that’s home, it’s where I consider myself to be from, NorCal, baby. (L.A. Sucks. Beat L.A.! Beat L.A.! Beat L.A.! Sorry, Candlestick Park flashback.)

I will be gone both Thursday and Friday, attending a wedding on Saturday, and if you can’t tell I’m geeked out to not only have a few days away, but to head back from whence I came, then you’re not paying close enough attention to the non-sequitur moments. I will try and post from out there, but please forgive me if I don’t. The days are just packed. There’s seeing my girl Lucia and meeting her now 3-year-old son, Shai. I haven’t seen Lucia in so many years its criminal. We didn’t talk for a long time, but somehow reconnected over a year ago, and I am so so so excited to see her. There’s also catching up with Linds and meeting her live-in boyfriend, Geoff, for the very first time. Also criminal. There’s skydiving on Thursday. (Oh, did I mention I’m going to jump out of a perfectly good airplane on Thursday? I feel like Bodhi in Point Break right now I’m so geeked up.) There are drinks with B. Brown, Ms. Hill, Luc, and, hopefully, Jefe… if he ever gets around to calling me back. Jefe is a story for another time, I will absolutely have to write about him in here, the kid is a legend, I love him dearly. There’s, of course, the wedding, Ms. Susan, Mr. Steve, Ms. Casey, and a very pregnant Kristy. There’s dinner with Matt and Marla. There’s a red eye flight on Sunday night. Damn, I’m geeking; I’m a race car in red, itching to get off the line.

There’s so much more. I will try and write something about all of this, but I cannot promise much. Don’t hate on me, I’m too excited right now.

But I do have a homework assignment, if anybody’s up for it. As I mentioned yesterday, after holding forth on the Maisonneuve Top 10 for quite some time, I’ve slipped out, with only 1 piece. In fact, Ms. Emma Appleby, God bless her, has, like, 30 pieces in the Top 10 right now, so you can see where there might be a problem. The Revolution has a flat tire, we’ve pulled to the side of the road, and someone’s digging in the trunk for a jack and the spare. I hope we remembered the jack. Anyway, the point is, Revolution is a tricky thing, particularly in these days of high speed fiber optic dillyhoos. So, your homework is this. Canvas your neighborhood. Put picket signs on your lawn. Steal the airwaves, like Christian Slater said. Forward my blog to everyone you know, tell them to forward it to everyone they know. The Revolution did not start from a rocking chair. It started out there, beyond your front door. So let’s get on it.

Cause I’m leaving on a jet plane… have a great weekend. Much love, hope everyone is smiling. Peace.