Register Monday | March 10 | 2025

Flip Side - The Last of the Auditions

"It was strange to be on the other side of that whole process. "

Back from the depths and writing from a new environment, it's summer Flynn. I am in a new home which is amazing but searching for my rhythm. Moving can take a lot out of a person and make you wished you owned nothing but the clothes on your back. 

Last week I taught an audition for Isabelle Van Grimde’s Corps Secrets. It was strange to be on the other side of that whole process. My sympathy was with the dancers naturally and I remember my experience two years ago vividly. Its one of those, when I was young Jimmy, we walked four miles barefoot in the three feet of snow to get to the audition. Except for us there was a heat wave and the audition was two weeks instead of one. At that point I had just returned to Montreal with a bad taste in my mouth from a project that had just finished. I had no job, no money, no fridge and a new apartment with a friend of a friend. I had a good feeling about the work and the days went pretty well, but at night I was sick with worry. Thank God in the end I got it and had the adventure of a full on creative process with a dynamic group of people. We traveled to France twice, performed at L’Agora in Montreal and toured Quebec.

I learned a lot from the work but it also allowed me to be accepted into the dance community. As petty as it is more professional dancers spoke to me once I got the job. It is hard to transplant yourself from another place. My previous four years of professional work seemed to evaporate the minute I decided to move here. No one knows or cares what you did somewhere else, especially if that was in Winnipeg. *generally true but there are exceptions

Anyway, my friends that didn’t get the job went on to join Linda Gaudreau, Roger Sinha, and Joe so I guess it does work out. Hope the same is true for the folks there last week. Man it is not an easy thing. You can see from the outside how clear and confident you have to be. You have to look engaged and make good choices with out trying too hard. How does one stay true to and accept themselves while others are judging and deciding whether or not to keep you.

Monday, I went out with a C.V. in my hand to find out where I can wait tables. I guess there are many forms of the audition process. At the very least they allow you to sneak a peek at different micro communities and idiosyncratic workplaces.

Relying on the kindness of strangers,
