Register Wednesday | March 5 | 2025

The Short Way Round the Block

I’m going to take the easy way out tonight, travel the path well trodden.

Saturday night we had a dinner; it was the hetero lifemate, the magnificent Geebs, Jeff, Amy, and their many month old son, Luke. We had lamb, potatoes, green beans, tart and wine. We had 4 bottles of wine, and then we walked a few blocks and bought a few more. And we drank them. And we drank more.

Needless to say, I was fairly well wrecked, and couldn’t get to sleep before 3:45 that night. The room wouldn’t stop spinning. And I was at Tony and Stu’s place on the Upper West Side. I tried their leather couch, but it was bent in the middle, and the room was turning. I tried the material couch. But the room was bending. I tried the floor. I slept on the floor, on my arms, and they fell asleep.

I woke up at 7 today to pick up Mama Lucia, her 3 year old son Shai, and George (Big Head George with his big ass can be afro George) down in Philly so we could go skydiving. I had never met George, and can only say that he is the mellowest of sorts. A good mix for Lucia.

But I’m not going to write about any of this. Probably because I was hungover as all get out when I woke up, and skydiving took all my adrenaline and the rest of my energy. I’m tapped out, nothing left tonight. I’m heading to bed.

But before I do I wanted to pass along some good music. There’s this Scottish girl named Angela McCluskey. Her debut album, "The Things We Do," came out in June of July of this year and it’s time all of you were hip to the magic this golden vocaled goddess spits. It’s just too beautiful not to be shared. She's another of those artists you live with, who writes the things you think without knowing they could be put down so beautifully, so simply, so painfully, so hopefully, so wonderfully. So check out her site, listen to some of the samples, and then go buy the album.

Have I ever steered you wrong? I thought not.

I’m out. Off to NeverSleepEvenWhenI’mTired Land, but I’ll try nonetheless. Tomorrow’s blog will be about todays skydive. Till then… go easy.
