Register Saturday | February 22 | 2025

Welcome to 2.0

Finally, Maisy's online home gets an extreme makeover.

You may have noticed that the “Current Issue” of Maisonneuve, located on the right side of your browser, actually is the current issue of Maisonneuve. This is not an error. After a year and a half of the Food Issue (Winter 2007) occupying that crucial piece of real estate—and many months of infrequent web updates—the new is here at last. Cue applause.

There are still many glitches to be worked out, and for those we apologize. Know that we’re working hard to correct them. But this website will be far more flexible, easier to update and easier to navigate than its predecessor. We’ve already garnered some attention at Gawker’s hugely popular video game blog Kotaku, which picked up Chris Lavigne’s “Why Video Game Research is Flawed.” Expect more new content and new videos regularly.

Elsewhere on the site, you can check out web-exclusive pieces that complement our Spring print edition’s contents, like these interviews with acclaimed novelist D. Y. Bechard and journalist-filmmaker Sam Singh. And here, you can read some of the articles that were nominated for, or won, National Magazine Awards this year, including Craig Silverman’s “My Life in Depanneurs” (Silver, Humour) and Chris Watt’s “Iraq’s Walking Dead” (Best Student Writer).

We’re also happy to present the new site’s first blogger, John Semley, who will write about movies that may or may not be The Hangover several times a week. Yours truly will also occasionally weblog, though I won’t always take cheap shots at cities I don’t live in. In the coming weeks and months, a small stable of writers will keep you distracted with the kind of pithy, poorly-thought-out entries the blogosphere does so well. And on the subject of wasting time online: become a fan/follower/minion of Maisonneuve on Facebook and Twitter!

So please, be patient as we perfect the site, and let us know what you think. Send comments to letters [at], and if you’re interested in contributing to this sexy new thing, email us at submissions [at] We need you like hip hop needs heft.