Register Friday | March 14 | 2025

A Note From Our Publisher

Jennifer Varkonyi marks two decades of Maisonneuve.

In 2007, I learned from my partner Carmine Starnino that Derek Webster, his friend and colleague, was looking to hire a publisher for Maisonneuve. Derek had been running the magazine in dual roles of editor-in-chief and publisher, and wished to focus solely on editorial. After months of discussions and consideration, I got the job. I admired what Derek had built and was thrilled to be working for an organization I truly valued. 

When Derek left the magazine a couple of years later, I felt some trepidation to be losing such an integral part of Maisonneuve. His departure also meant that there would be no more private financing to support the publication. Writing this now, for our twentieth anniversary issue, fourteen years after I took on the role of publisher, I have mixed feelings. The strongest are, of course, awe, pride and gratitude that Maisonneuve has reached this milestone. Most small ...

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