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Call for Submissions: Maisonneuve’s Tenth Anniversary

Oct. 4, 2011

The spring of 2012 will mark Maisonneuve's ten-year anniversary. Although a decade might not seem like very much time, surviving this long in today's unstable media climate is no small feat, especially for an esoteric Canadian quarterly. So we at Maisonneuve would like to celebrate the occasion with an issue of real heft and quality, a great big collectors' edition, packed to the brim with pieces of unusual ambition and rare gifts. And, potentially, we would like you to write one of those pieces.

We are looking for all sorts of writing: 1,500-word argumentative articles on contemporary politics and culture; shorter front- and back-of-book articles of 1,500 to two thousand words; and long features and essays of three thousand words or more. We want cultural criticism, investigative journalism, personal memoirs, international dispatches, thoughtful profiles—whatever you have, we'd like to see it. Just so long as you give it all you've got. We are happy to read both queries and finished drafts. (But please don't send unsolicited fiction or poetry. We get a lot of that.)

To promote the ten-year anniversary, we're cooking up a marketing campaign of newsstand and subscription promotions, so you can be sure that this issue—and, potentially, your writing—will have more readers than usual. And you'll get to be part of history, published in a bona fide collectors' edition, a tangible artifact that is (so we're told) all too rare in this age of digital ephemera.

The spring of 2012 may seem like a long way off, but as a quarterly, Maisonneuve has a considerable lead time, so any article you pitch must also feel current many months from now. And, of course, we are always looking for new writing, for any issue, all through the year.

If you're not familiar with the magazine, Maisonneuve is a small general-interest quarterly of arts, opinion and ideas. This year, we received three gold medals and thirteen honourable mentions at the 2011 National Magazine Awards—our best showing ever. Pick up our current Fall issue or read some back issues to get a better sense of what we're looking for.

Please send queries and drafts to submissions [at], with the subject line "Tenth Anniversary." The deadline for anniversary-issue submissions is November 1, 2011. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Subscribe to Maisonneuve today.

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