Register Monday | February 17 | 2025


We like to describe the heart as heavy 

when it’s more like an old wolf 

gone hungry, wondering 

why bother restarting the hunt? 

Then a rabbit emerges from a hole in the dirt 

and everything forgives itself for just

continuing to exist. What’s your moon 

sign? What’s your Myers-Briggs 

personality type? Never mind, doesn’t matter. Or,

OK—does matter, but matters less when we nap 

side-by-side in this grass, the whole field 

so American, all of our kings 

somewhere else recovering 

from microdermabrasion, 

our personal wolves 

playing around in the brook together under 

our imprecise supervision.

Mikko Harvey is the author of Unstable Neighbourhood Rabbit and Let the World Have You. His last poem for Maisonneuve was “Small Grey Stone” (Issue 72).