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John Semley

Mutton Dressed as Lamb

John Semley pulls back the skin of Hannibal, a show that prized mouthwatering aesthetics over meaty writing.

Against Tumblr

The microblogging site now rivals Facebook and Twitter in reach and influence, but it represents everything wrong with the online echo chamber.

The Heavy Revolution

Why do Quebecers adore Iron Maiden, one of hard rock’s most quintessentially British bands?

The Eh-List

You’ve heard of grindhouse, blaxploitation and kung fu flicks. But Canada has its own unique B-movie tradition—Canuxploitation—and new directors are catching on.

The Music We Hate: Daniel Johnston

"Daniel Johnston sings about soda pop because he doesn’t think capitalism or empire or Coca-Colanization is a problem."

Generation Geek

At a time when comic book culture has never been more mainstream -- or more lucrative -- where’s the line between wannabe and true believer?

Interview With Michael Cho

Toronto illustrator Michael Cho chats about his cover for the 25th anniversary edition of Don DeLillo’s White Noise, his relationship with the landmark novel and the renewed literary interest in comics.

Too Many Crazy Pills

Debunking Rachel Marsden's politically incorrect fantasies about Vancouver's 2010 Olympics.

Interview with Dave Bidini

Maisonneuve contributor John Semley chats with Dave Bidini about his new album, The Land Is Wild, and his forthcoming book.