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Article Archive

Comfort Feud

Canadians have a lot of cultural bones to pick, finds Denise Brunsdon, and maybe they like it that way.

Flipping Out

Montrealers have always fought to keep rent low. What happens when they no longer know who or how to fight?

Zoned Out

Music put Montreal on the map, writes Adam Kovac, but the city isn’t returning the favour.


It’s tough times for bookstores, so how is one Toronto shop thriving—while stocking nothing on your reading list?

Habitat Loss

A man arrived in Grand Bend, Ontario, believing it was a refuge for strange species. Kieran Delamont observes the fallout.

Testing the Waters

A few citizens in Saskatchewan doubted the official account of an oil spill, Lauren Kaljur reports. But what could they do?


Between Toronto, Bombay and a new play by Wajdi Mouawad, Adnan Khan explores the ties that bind us.

Cold Comfort

The craze for “hygge” comes from a dark place, writes Luc Rinaldi, and he’s not talking about Denmark in winter.

Phage Crusade

A Canadian scientist once harnessed the power of viruses against bacterial infections. In dire times, a new generation of scientists is fighting to do the same.

Broken Up

These days people love the idea of interracial marriages, Natalie Harmsen writes, but that’s different from trying to make one work.

Taking the Wheel

Politicians praise climate-conscious teenagers like Rebecca Hamilton. But what she really wants is better public transit.

Mine Reading

Reckoning with a homegrown hell showed that turning around emissions can also mean turning a profit.

Awkward Cause

It’s hard to live low-carbon, especially when you feel like you’re the only one. Kate Black meets a Calgary misfit who keeps trying to fit in.

In the Burn

In wildfire-ravaged BC, Rachel Jansen learns to keep up with the relentless rules of mushroom-hunting.

Fire Sale

Toronto condos won’t seem so hot in a few decades—except in the literal sense. Here’s a guide for househunting for the end times.